Sunday, January 5, 2014

Pink for the New Year!

Ok, I do love pink! But...who doesn't right?

Pink makes me smile

Pink reminds me that is an honor to be a woman

Pink brings happiness

Pink peonies, are my favorite flowers

Pink makes me feel more feminine

Pink reminds me that deep inside...I'm still a little girl

Pink wrapping is great for women gifts

Pink clothes make me feel more pretty

Pink cures cancer!

So obviously I picked a whimsical pink 2014 Planner (Sugar Paper, Los Angeles) that I was able to buy at Target for a very affordable price.

My "pink wish & goal" for this year is to make this blog a safe place for women to join and enjoy reading it. We are all here to learn from one another.

My spiritual wish is for every woman to discover her own beauty and be able to celebrate the fact that she is the most precious person in this world!

Thanks for reading me.


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