I'm starting a new series of interviews that I will be sharing with you so that we could all learn form other women's wisdom, tips and life experiences.
Let's start with:
Nancy P., a beautiful mother of 3 amazing daughters and grandmother of 5 fantastic grandchildren ages 10 months to 20 years. Baltimore, MD.
Nancy you really look gorgeous all the time, can you tell us which is your basic skin care routine every day?
Starting with a good night's sleep makes an incredible difference. I can go from a "glow" to "haggard" all based on my sleep or lack there of. I rely on lots of vitamins. There is always controversy about vitamins. But when you are low on iron, calcium, vitamin D, etc. the first thing the doctor does is to prescribe a vitamin supplement. My face gets wahed religiously 2-3 times a day. And I have NEVER EVER gone to bed with make up on.
No fancy creams, no fancy lotions. But I have found that I get so much enjoyment when I am giving of my time, work and money to others. That along with being thankful for my many blessings will always reflect the interior beauty and contentment you feel to your outer self.
Which are the four makeup items you can't live without?
1. Mascara.
2. Concealer for those trouble spots. I am not at all a fan of foundation. I think it masks your glow and clogs up your pores.
3. Moisturizer, I like Neutrogena products.
4. Finishing with my favorite lipstick (I'm a red or go home chick) always brightens my smile.
I know that you like to suntan, which is your favorite product to protect your skin from the sun?
Since I have become a caregiver 24/7 to my 98 years old Mom vacations to sunny beaches are not in my schedule. Although in the good old days I have to say that I have never like the smell or feel of sun block. So I think common sense is the best approach for me. Thirty to forty five minutes on each side and then retreat to the umbrella.
Based on your experience, which will be your beauty advice for a younger woman?
Realize how beautiful you are right this very minute. Because one day you will look back at those pictures and be surprised at how lovely you are and wonder why you were so hard on yourself.
Nancy, so well said!!!
We should all be thankful for all the blessings that we have right now. Thanks a lot for your honest answers, your wisdom and your great attitude!
Stay tune as my next collaborator will be a well-known wedding makeup artist...
Xo, xo.
Could this lady be any more beautiful?? I know this sweet lady and she is even more beautiful on the inside.
ReplyDeleteShe proved one more time that it's all about inner beauty! Thanks for reading me.