Saturday, December 28, 2013

Maryland Crab Cakes, yeah!

Loving That Cooking Corner
My husband is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and as you may or may not known crab cakes are one of the most traditional dishes there.
So for Christmas Eve I cooked Maryland style crab cakes for the first time in my life!
I followed the traditional recipe that comes at the back of the Old Bay seasoning but I added some "secret ingredients" that one of my sisters in law gave me before hand, as her crab cakes are famous for being awesome! (as quoted by my lovely husband).

If you have never cooked them before, let me tell you that the recipe is extremely easy to follow and it's a great dinner dish for those guests that you know love fish.
Any white wine will make them even better. I decided to pair them with a California Chardonnay from Acacia's vineyard.
This is how they look before you bake them in the oven  (total baking time: 25 minutes + 3 minutes time broil at the end): 
This is how they look when they were done (very important tip: buy only Jumbo lump crab meat):

We both love salads, so I also did my traditional Green Salad that included: spinach, cherry tomatoes, red onions, blue cheese and crashed walnuts)


Last but not least...
I included a side of asparagus that I broil with Italian seasoning and the super tasty sweet potato chips that I bake with Mrs. Dash's (salt free) seasoning.
The best part of the night was when my husband finished his dinner and said: " My love, these crab cakes were really good!"
Priceless moment...


  1. Mmmm, this sounds so good!

  2. I loved the fact that the preparation is actually 5 minutes time and then the 25 minutes for baking them. A total no brainer! If you have a favorite quick recipe please share it with us!
